Hello, Wastelander! I'm Master Tech Caculatrix! I'll tell how to build you character!


Fallen Earth has no class system. This means you can create anykind of build you like, the only limit are Ability Points(AP).

Such freedome can confuse, cus there are a lot of abilities, mutations, stats where you can put your AP! You can easly make a weak build from start, so further gaming will be hard and wont make you feel enjoyment of playing.

Here we will try to create a template-build that could be transformed at any other when you will choose the patch you will conquer wasteland!

Step 1

First of all lets find out where is the menu with your build! To open it press V on your keyboard.

Step 2

Nice! Now lets make priority! For a template we will have 3 main goals!

  • Endurance and Armour Use.

    Health and protection is the most important part of your build.

  • First Aid and Benevolence.

    Healing - is important as well. Effective healing will save your life and keep you alive for a long time in a fight.

  • Primary weapon.

    And ofcourse your weapon skill. Lets choose 1 from possible 3 (Melee, Pistol, Rifle).

Step 3

Endurance and Armour Use.

Endurance is at Stats tab, it inflicts your health amount and maximal capacity of Armour Use. Always go for maximum value of Endurance for your current level.

Armour Use is at Skill tab, it passivly grants you Primary resists (value that will reduce incoming damage). We will keep it at maximum for level such as Endurance.

First Aid and Benevolence.

First Aid is at Skill tab. First Aid is your primary self-healing skill. Main ability from it - Stanch Wound. It heals you or your teammate for X amount of health. There are 7 levels of this ability. Check First Aid trainer or Support Trained to find out which one you may know at your current level.

Benevolence is an ability from Emphatic mutation at Mutation tab. Benevolence is your secondary self-healing mutation. It heals you for X and your teammate for 2X amount of health. It has 8 levels. Check out Mutation Trainer to find out which one you may know at your current level.

Important! You dont have to maximize these skills, just raise it enough to learn them related to your current level.

Primary weapon.

Pistol, Rifle or Melee skills are at Skill tab. I'm sure you want to use all 3 types, but, hold on. Lets choose one for a start.

Your weapon skill level inflicts accuracy for range weapons and gives you some good abilities for combat. We will keep its level at the point to use weapon with maximum effectivity. Because, if your weapon skill not equal yo requirement for using weapon - you will do less damage.